SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1. Part A

1 . A

Molecular   speed   is  dependent   on  size    of  the gas molecule    and temperature.    The higher  the
temperature, the higher the molecular speed. The smaller the molecule is, the higher the
molecular speed. So helium is a smaller molecule than argon, and the sample at 100°C would
have the highest molecular speed.

2 . E
The lower the temperature is, the lower the kinetic energy. Sample E has the lowest
temperature and therefore, the lowest kinetic energy.

3 . A
The ideal gas equation can be used for the relationship among volume, temperature, and
pressure. Volume equals the product of the number of moles, ideal gas constant, and
temperature (in Kelvin) divided by the pressure. The number of moles is constant; the sample
with the highest temperature would have the largest volume. So sample A at 100°C would
have the largest volume. Since pressure is inversely proportional to volume, the lowest
pressure would have the largest volume. The pressure of 1 atm also would favor the largest

4 . C
Bromine is the only nonmetallic element that is liquid at room temperature. It is one of five
elements that are liquid at or near room temperature (the others are the metals cesium,
francium, gallium, and mercury).

5 . A
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