SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
dispersion  forces  in  H 2 S   (because    of  the greater total   number  of  electrons   in  the molecule)
would be expected to give a higher boiling point than H 2 O.

105 . T, T, CE
Acid-base neutralization reactions between strong acids and strong bases are considered to go
to completion; they have enormous, even immeasurably large, equilibrium constants. HCl is a
strong acid, and KOH is a strong base.

106 . F, F
Combining these two reagents would give a precipitate of insoluble AgCl, silver chloride.
Chloride ion is not a strong enough reducing agent to reduce silver metal.

107 . F, T
Carbon dioxide, not monoxide, is the major combustion product in air. Carbon monoxide is
produced as the major product only if the amount of air is limited. Air is, in fact, mostly
nitrogen gas; it contains about 21% oxygen by volume.

108 . T, F
Learn to spot stoichiometry problems, and write out a balanced reaction equation first thing.
In this case, we write:

2   Na  (s) +   Cl 2    (g) –>  2   NaCl    (s)
The *atoms* of Na and Cl are in a 1:1 ratio, even though the substances aren’t. Because
chlorine has the greater atomic mass, a given mass of chlorine will contain fewer atoms than
the same mass of sodium; the chlorine will be used up first, and some sodium will be left over.

109 . T, T, CE
Reactions happen faster at higher temperatures. (The position of an equilibrium may shift
toward products or toward reactants—that’s a completely different question—but both the
forward and reverse reactions will happen faster if the temperature is increased.) The rate of a
reaction is dependent upon the number of successful collisions; at higher temperatures, many
more collisions occur, and a greater proportion of those collisions have enough energy to
allow a successful reaction.

110 . T, F

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