SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
0.500   L   (1.00   moles   KCl/L)  =   0.500   moles   KCl

0.500   moles   KCl (74.5   grams   KCl/mole)   =   37.3    g   KCl

29 . D
This reaction is a synthesis reaction as well as an oxidation-reduction reaction. The hydrogen
is being oxidized and the chlorine is being reduced. While HCl, an acid, is being produced, this
is not a neutralization reaction because the acid and a base would have to be present as

30 . B
All of the other reactions are oxidation-reduction reactions. Reaction B is a double-
displacement reaction that is also a neutralization reaction. There is no transfer of electrons—
only protons.

31 . C
The heat of formation for an element in the natural state is 0.

32 . B
Hess’s law is used to combine the two reactions to the given reaction for the formation of SO 3
(g). The first reaction is used as written while the second reaction is divided by two, since only
1 SO 3 is in the reaction provided.

So  the heat    of  reaction    is  the sum of  (−297)  +   (−99)   =   −396    kJ.

33 . E
MgO is a white, crystalline solid. C 3 H 8 and CO are both colorless gases. CuCl 2 is a brownish
yellow solid. Cr 2 O 3 is a green solid. The transition metals tend to form colored products.

34 . E
MgO is an ionic compound. Ionic compounds have higher melting points than covalent
compounds. The other four compounds are all covalent compounds, which have lower boiling

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