SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon double bond. Their general formula is CnH 2 n.


Hydrocarbons with at least one carbon-carbon triple bond. Their general formula is CnH 2 nā€“ 2.

Alpha (Ī±) particle

A particle ejected from the nucleus in one form (adjust F) of radioactive decay, identical to the
helium-4 nucleus.


Compounds of the general formula R-NH 2 , R 2 -NH, or R 3 -N.

Amino acids

Building blocks of proteins with the general formula NH 2 C-R-HCOOH.

Amorphous solids

Solids that do not possess long-range order. Compare to crystals or crystalline solids.

Amphoteric species

A species capable of reacting either as an acid or as a base.


A compound obtained by the removal of water from another compound.


An ionic species with a negative charge.

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