SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Daniell cell

An electrochemical cell in which the anode is the site of Zn metal oxidation, and the cathode is the
site of Cu2+ ion reduction.

Degenerate orbitals

Orbitals that possess equal energy.

Density (ρ)

A physical property of a substance, defined as the mass contained in a unit of volume.


A condition that arises when a substance has no unpaired electrons and is slightly repelled by a
magnetic field.


The random motion of gas or solute particles across a concentration gradient, leading to uniform
distribution of the gas or solute throughout the container.


In chemistry, a species containing bonds between elements of different electronegativities,
resulting in an unequal distribution of charge in the species.

Dipole-dipole interaction

The attractive force between two dipoles whose magnitude is dependent on both the dipole
moments and the distance between the two species.

Dipole moment

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