SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Principal quantum number (n)

The first quantum number, defining the energy level or shell occupied by an electron.


Long-chain polypeptides with high molecular weights.

Proton (H+)

A subatomic particle that carries a single positive charge and has a mass defined as one or as the
hydrogen ion, H+, which is simply a hydrogen nucleus, consisting of one proton. These species are
considered to be equivalent.


A discrete bundle of energy, such as a photon.

Quantum number

A number used to describe the energy levels available to electrons. The state of any electron is
described by four quantum numbers. See Principal quantum number; Azimuthal quantum number;
Magnetic quantum number; Spin quantum number.


A phenomenon exhibited by certain unstable isotopes in which they undergo spontaneous nuclear
transformations via emission of one or more particle(s).

Raoult’s law

A law stating that the partial pressure of a component in a solution is proportional to the mole
fraction of that component in the solution.

Rate constant

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