SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

equilibrium, the concentrations of all species will remain constant over time unless there is a
change in the reaction conditions. See Le Châtelier’s principle.

Equilibrium constant

Equilibrium constant
The ratio of the concentration of the products to the concentration of the reactants for a certain
reaction at equilibrium, all raised to their stoichiometric coefficients.

Equivalence point

Equivalence point
The point in a titration at which the number of equivalents of the species being added to the
solution is equal to the number of equivalents of the species being titrated.


Compounds of the general formula R-COO-R’.


Compounds of the general formula R-O-R’.

Excess reagent

Excess reagent
In a chemical reaction, any reagent whose amount does not limit the amount of product that
can be formed. Compare to Limiting reagent.

Excited state

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