SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Nonpolar covalent bond
A covalent bond between elements of the same electronegativity. There is no charge separation
and the atoms do not carry any partially positive or partially negative charge. Compare to Polar
covalent bond.

Nonpolar molecule

Nonpolar    molecule
A molecule that exhibits no net separation of charge, and therefore no net dipole moment.

Normality (N)

Normality (N)
A concentration unit equal to the number of gram equivalent weights of solute per liter of


The small central region of an atom; a dense, positively charged area containing protons and


Eight valence electrons in a subshell around a nucleus.

Octet rule

Octet rule
A rule stating that bonded atoms tend to undergo reactions that will produce a complete octet
of valence electrons. Applies without exception only to C, N, O, and F with zero or negative formal

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