SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A   reaction    involving   the net loss    of  electrons   or, equivalently,   an  increase    in  oxidation   number.

Oxidation number

Oxidation number
The number assigned to an atom in an ion or molecule that denotes its real or hypothetical
charge. Atoms, alone or in molecules, of standard state elements have oxidation numbers of zero.
Also called the oxidation state.

Oxidizing agent

Oxidizing   agent
In a redox reaction, a species that gains electrons and is thereby reduced.

p subshell

p subshell
The subshells corresponding to the angular momentum quantum number l = 1, found in the
second and higher principal energy levels. Each subshell contains three dumbbell-shaped p orbitals
oriented perpendicular to each other, and referred to as the px, py, and pz orbitals.

Paired electrons

Paired  electrons

Two electrons   in  the same    orbital with    assigned    spins   of      and  .  See Orbital;    Hund’s  rule.


A property of a substance that contains unpaired electrons, whereby the substance is attracted
by a magnetic field.

Partial pressure

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