SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Standard potential

Standard potential
The voltage associated with a half-reaction of a specific redox reaction. Generally tabulated as a
reduction potential, compared to the SHE.

Standard temperature and pressure (STP)

Standard    temperature and pressure    (STP)
0°C (273 K) and 1 atm. Used for measuring gas volume and density.


The set of defined macroscopic properties of a system that must be specified in order to
reproduce the system exactly. Sometimes also used as a synonym for Phase.

State function

State   function
A function that depends on the state of a system but not on the path used to arrive at that state.

Strong acid

Strong  acid
An acid that undergoes complete dissociation in an aqueous solution; e.g., HCl.

Strong base

Strong  base
A base that undergoes complete dissociation in an aqueous solution; e.g., KOH.


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