SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Triangle Inequality Theorem: The length of any one side of a triangle must be greater than the
positive difference between, and less than the sum of, the lengths of the other two sides. For
example, if it is given that the length of one side is 3 and the length of another side is 7, then the
length of the third side must be greater than 7 − 3 = 4 and less than 7 + 3 = 10.


In Example 2, you’re asked to express the area of one triangle in terms of the area of another.


The area    ratio   between similar figures is  the square  of  the side    ratio.

Example 2

Figure  2

3. Exterior angles  add up  to  360°.

5. Each side    is  greater than    the difference  and less    than    the sum of  the other   two sides.

1. In   Figure  2,      =    .  If  the area    of  ∆RST    is   ,  what    is  the area    of  ∆QSP?



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