SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Think about what shape the top and bottom will create when each is rotated about its midpoint.

Can you visualize what the resulting solid looks like? It can be a little difficult to sketch 3-D
geometry. You’re probably better off if you can just “see” it in your head. It’ll look something like

In  the figure  above,  the measure of  angle   QPR is  90  degrees,    and the area    of  triangle    PQR is  6.  If
triangle PQR is rotated 360º about side PR, what is the total surface area of the resulting solid?


(A) 24.00

(B) 50.27

(C) 75.40

(D) 97.39

(E) 147.65

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