SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Plug    ab  =   8   into    the expression  for the volume  of  the cone    and you can solve   for a:

Then    you can plug     into   the equation    ab  =   8   to  solve   for b:

When    the triangle    is  rotated about   its shorter leg,    a   becomes the height  and b   becomes the
base radius. Thus,

5 . C

The sides   of  the pyramid are actually    equilateral (the    base    angles  are each    60º,    which   means
the last angle is also 60º). To find the volume of a pyramid, you need the area of the base,
which is given here as 16, and you need the height, which you have to figure out. Imagine a
triangle that includes the height and one of the lateral edges:
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