SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

You’ll find circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas on the Math 2 test. Like slope-intercept
questions, questions concerning circles and parabolas are essentially algebraic. Answering circles
questions like Example 5 is often just a matter of recalling and applying the appropriate equation.


The equation    of  a   circle  centered    at  (h,k)   and with    radius  r   is:

(x  –   h)^2    +   (y  –   k)^2    =   r^2

Example 5

To use the formula for the equation of a circle, you need the coordinates (h,k) of the center. Here
they’re given: (2,–5). And you need the radius r. Here r = . So the equation is

(x  −   h)^2    +   (y  −   k)^2    =   r^2

(x  −   2)^2    +   (y  +   5)^2    =   3

The answer is (B).

Which   of  the following   equations   describes   the set of  all points  (x,y)   in  the coordinate  plane   that
are a distance of from the point (2,−5)?


(A) (x  −   2)^2    +   (y  −   5)^2    =   3
(B) (x − 2)^2 + (y + 5)^2 = 3
(C) (x + 2)^2 + (y + 5)^2 = 3
(D) (x + 2)^2 − (y − 5)^2 = 3
(E) (x − 2)^2 − (y + 5)^2 = 3
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