SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
So  the triangle    looks   like    this:

The base    is  8   and the height  is  5.75,   so  the area    is  23.

3 . A
A key to solving this problem quickly is to draw a diagram. Notice that the y-intercept of the
first equation is –15 and the y-intercept of the second equation is 8.

To  get an  idea    of  the value   of  m,  imagine that    the second  line    has the same    slope   as  the first
so that the two lines are parallel. Decreasing the slope of the second line would make the
line more horizontal, causing the two lines to intersect in the first quadrant, which does not
match the information given in the problem. However, increasing the slope of the second
line would make the line more vertical, causing the two lines to intersect in the third
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