SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
quadrant    as  stated  in  the problem.    Therefore,  m   has to  be  greater than    3,  which   means   m
has to be positive.

Once    you have    a   graph   drawn,  you can also    just    draw    in  a   line    that    does    intersect   the first   in
the third quadrant, then compare its slope to the answer choices. It is very important to
understand some basics about slope on the Math 2 test.

4 . D
A line that’s perpendicular to y = –3x + 2 has a slope that’s the negative reciprocal of –3,
which is . That narrows the choices to (D) and (E). The y-intercept of y = 3x – 2 is –2, and
that’s the y-intercept in (D).

5 . E
First find the equation of the line to help you eliminate answer choices. The line passes
through point (–2,3) and the origin, so its equation is .

According   to  the graph,  you're  looking for the answer  choice  that    has the following

x   ≤   0   and  (the   shaded  portion of  the second  quadrant)


x ≥ 0   and  (the   shaded  portion of  the fourth  quadrant).

To  fulfill the first   set of  requirements,   it  is  necessary   that    x   ≤   0   and .

The product of  these   two expressions has to  be  negative,   because the product of  a   negative
and a positive is always negative. Therefore, .

To  fulfill the second  set of  requirements,   it  is  necessary   that    x ≥ 0   and .

Once    again,  the product of  these   two expressions has to  be  negative,   resulting   in  the same
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