SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Therefore,   fits   the shaded  portions    of  the graph.

6 . B

You might   think   at  first   glance  that    what    you’re  supposed    to  do  is  graph   the ellipse and
somehow figure out where the ellipse crosses the y-axis. But hold on a second! What does a
point of intersection represent in coordinate geometry?

It  represents  a   pair    of  numbers that    satisfies   both    equations.  The y-axis  is  the graph   of  the
equation x = 0, so what you’re looking for is a solution for both the equation
and the equation x = 0. Plug x = 0 into the ellipse equation, and you get

When    x   is  0,  y   is  either  4   or  –4, so  the y-intercepts    are (0,4)   and (0,–4), and the answer  is  (B).
So, what looked like a coordinate geometry question was really a simultaneous equations
question. Don’t be fooled by disguises!
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