SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . E

Since   you are given   the opposite    and adjacent    sides,  try using   tangent.

Now use the tan–1   function    on  your    calculator  (probably   “2nd”   and then    “tan”)  to  find

tan–1(1.25) =   51.34019175
This is closest to (E).

2 . E
Whenever you have a complicated expression with trigonometric functions, try factoring.
First factor out sin θ from each term:

sin^3 θ +   sin θ   –   sin θ   cos^2 θ =   (sin    θ)(sin^2 θ  +   1   –   cos^2 θ)
Next look for identities or ways to use the definitions of the trig functions. In this case, you
should notice that 1 – cos^2 θ = (sin^2 θ), so

3 . A

You could   use the given   equation     to find    θ,  but that’s  not really  necessary.
You could re-express the given equation putting it all in terms of sin θ:
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