SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Miscellaneous Topics Diagnostic Test

15 Minutes — 12 Questions

Solve   problems    1–12.   Select  the best    answer  choice  for each    question.

1 . For all nonzero numbers x   and y,  the operation       is  defined by  the equation
when x > y and by the equation when x ≤ y. If x y <
0, then which of the following could be true?

I. x^3  =   y^3
II. (y + x)(y – x) > 0
III. x – y > 0

(A) I   only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II
(E) II and III

2 . If   ,  then    which   of  the following   has the greatest    value?

(A) i^4     +   i^3     +   i^2     +   i
(B) i^8 + i^6 + i^4 + i^2
(C) i^12 + i^9 + i^6 + i^3
(D) i^16 + i^12 + i^8 + i^4
(E) i^20 + i^15 + i^10 + i^5

3 . “If a   zic is  a   zac,    then    a   zic is  not a   zoc.”
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