SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

With your eyes shut you can notice something very interesting. You’re no longer dealing with the
worrisome stuff going on in the world outside of you. Now you can concentrate on what happens
inside you. The more you recognize your own physical reactions to stress and anxiety, the more you
can do about them. You might not realize it, but you’ve begun to regain a sense of being in control.

Let images begin to form on the “viewing screens” on the back of your eyelids. You’re experiencing
visualizations from the place in your mind that makes pictures. Allow the images to come easily and
naturally; don’t force them. Imagine yourself in a relaxing situation. It might be in a special place
you’ve visited before or one you’ve read about. It can be a fictional location that you create in your
imagination, but a real-life memory of a place or situation you know is usually better. Make it as
detailed as possible and notice as much as you can.

Stay focused on the images as you sink farther back into your chair. Breathe easily and naturally.
You might have the sensations of any stress or tension draining from your muscles and flowing
downward, out your feet and away from you.

Take a moment to check how you’re feeling. Notice how comfortable you’ve become. Imagine how
much easier it would be if you could take the test feeling this relaxed and in this state of ease. You’ve
coupled the images of your special place with sensations of comfort and relaxation. You’ve also
found a way to become relaxed simply by visualizing your own safe, special place.


Don’t   forget  that    your    school  probably    has counseling  available.  If  you can’t   conquer test
stress on your own, make an appointment at the counseling center. That’s what counselors
are there for.

Now, close your eyes and start remembering a real-life situation in which you did well on a test. If
you can’t come up with one, remember a situation in which you did something (academic or
otherwise) that you were really proud of—a genuine accomplishment. Make the memory as detailed
as possible. Think about the sights, the sounds, the smells, even the tastes associated with this
remembered experience. Remember how confident you felt as you accomplished your goal. Now
start thinking about the upcoming test. Keep your thoughts and feelings in line with that successful

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