SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

experience. Don’t make comparisons between them. Just imagine taking the upcoming test with
the same feelings of confidence and relaxed control.

This exercise is a great way to bring the test down to earth. You should practice this exercise often,
especially when the prospect of taking the exam starts to bum you out. The more you practice it, the
more effective the exercise will be for you.


Exercise Your Frustrations Away

Whether it is jogging, walking, biking, mild aerobics, pushups, or a pickup basketball game, physical
exercise is a very effective way to stimulate both your mind and body and to improve your ability to
think and concentrate. A surprising number of students get out of the habit of regular exercise,
ironically because they’re spending so much time prepping for exams. Also, sedentary people—this
is a medical fact—get less oxygen to the blood and hence to the head than active people. You can
live fine with a little less oxygen; you just can’t think as well.


If  you want    to  play    music,  keep    it  low and in  the background. Music   with    a   regular,
mathematical rhythm—reggae, for example—aids the learning process. A recording of ocean
waves is also soothing.

Any big test is a bit like a race. Thinking clearly at the end is just as important as having a quick mind
early on. If you can’t sustain your energy level in the last sections of the exam, there’s too good a
chance you could blow it. You need a fit body that can weather the demands any big exam puts on
you. Along with a good diet and adequate sleep, exercise is an important part of keeping yourself in
fighting shape and thinking clearly for the long haul.


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