SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

5 . D

First   use your    calculator  to  solve   for θ:

Then    find    the tangent of  the result:

tan (41.4°) ≈   0.88

6 . B
A y-intercept of 6 means that one point on the line is (0,6). Plug x = 0 and y = 6 into the
answer choices, and you’ll find that only (B) and (C) work. Now test those two choices with
the x-intercept (−2,0). Of (B) and (C), only (B) works this time.

7 . D
To add fractions, you need a common denominator. Here the LCD is 6y:

8 . B

Let y   represent   the average score   for the boys.   Fifteen girls   average x,  so  their   15  scores  add
up to 15x. Ten boys average y, so their 10 scores add up to 10y. The 25 students average 90,
so their scores add up to 25 × 90 = 2,250. Now you can set up an equation and solve for y. The
girls’ total and the boys’ total add up to the grand total of 2,250:
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