SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
You could   use your    calculator  and do  this    one step    by  step.   Set your    calculator  to  radian
mode. First perform the inside function:

Then    perform the outside function    on  the result:

Far quicker and simpler would   be  to  realize that    if  you take    the sin of  the arctan  of  the tan of
the arcsin, you’ll end up back where you started.

The answer  to  this    question    is  just    the decimal approximation   of  the fraction    .

46 . B
First convert 0.000005 into a fraction:

You’re  looking for the smallest    integer value   of  x   that    will    make     less   than    .

In  other   words,  you’re  looking for the smallest    integer x   that    will    make    (x  +   1)! greater than
200,000. Use your calculator and try a few possibilities. 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8 = 40,320.
Not big enough. But multiply that by 9 and you’re up to 362,880. So 9! > 200,000, x + 1 = 9 ,
and therefore x = 8.

47 . E
To find the area of the triangle, you want the base and the height.

The base    is  the length  OB, which   is  simply  the x-coordinate    of  point   B:   .  The height  is
the y-coordinate of point P, which is equal to 6 − x^2 . The triangle is isosceles, so the altitude
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