SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4 . E

The answer  choices are all linear  equations   in  convenient  y   =   mx  +   b   form.   A   line    that    has
points in all quadrants but the first is a line that crosses the y-axis below the origin and heads
downhill from there—in other words, a line with both a negative y-intercept and a negative
slope. (C) and (E) have negative y-intercepts. (D) and (E) have negative slopes. Only (E) has

5 . E
Factor the numerator and look for something you can cancel with the denominator:

It’s    given   that    b   =   3   −   a,  which   is  just    another way of  saying  a   +   b   =    3 ,    so

−(a +   b)  =   −3

6 . D
To find the value of f(x) for a particular value of x, plug it into the definition:

You’ll  need    your    calculator  to  evaluate    part    of  this    expression, but you should  realize,
without a calculator, that eln2 is 2. Use your calculator to find that 2 ln 2 ≈ 1.39 and,

7 . C

You can use the two given   points  to  figure  out the slope:
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