SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
approaches   so the value   of  the whole   expression  approaches  −1.

38 . B

Use the formula for the sum of  an  infinite    geometric   series. Here    the first   term    a   is  1   and the
ratio r is :

39 . B

Think   about   what    happens to  the indicated   intercepts  when    all x’s are doubled and all y’s are
quadrupled. The x-intercepts become 2 and −2, and the y-intercepts become 4 and −4.
Choice (B) fits.

40 . B
To find the limit of this expression as n approaches infinity, think about what happens as n
gets extremely large. What happens is that the n^2 terms become so huge that they dwarf all
other terms into insignificance. So you can think of the expression as, in effect,

41 . E

If  log 2 (x^2  −   3)  =   5,  then    x^2     −   3   =    25     =   32:

42 . C

If  2   is  a   zero,   then    x   −   2   is  a   factor. Factor  that    out of  the polynomial   6 x^3 −    11x^2   −   3x  +   2:

Now you have    a   quadratic   equation:
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