SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The correct answer  choice  is  the one that    has a   value   of  4   or  −4  when    x   =   3.

(A):     3 x    −   10  =   3(3)    −   10  =   9   −   10  =   −1. This    is  not 4   or  −4. Discard (A).

(B):     4 x    −   7   =   4(3)    −   7   =   12  −   7   =   5.  This    is  not 4   or  −4. Discard (B).

(C):     6 x    −   17  =   6(3)    −   17  =   18  −   17  =    1 .    This    is  not 4   or  −4. Discard (C).

(D):    x^2     −   5   =   3^2     −   5   =   9   −   5   =   4.  Now you know    that    x^2     −   5   could   be  g(x),   so  (D) is  correct.

Checking    (E) to  be  sure,   x^2     −   3   =    32     −   3   =   9   −   3   =   6.  This    is  not 4   or  −4.

23 . A
Since line n is perpendicular to the x-axis, and the y-axis is perpendicular to the x-axis, line n
is parallel to the y-axis, and every point on line n has the same x-coordinate. You know that
one point on line n has the coordinates (4,5). The x-coordinate of this point is 4. So the x-
coordinate of every point on line n is 4. The equation of line n is x = 4.

24 . B
The mean is the average. The average formula is

When    you know    the average and the number  of  terms,  you can find    the sum of  the terms   by
rearranging the average formula in the form Sum of the terms = Average × Number of terms.
So the sum of the scores on all 5 tests was 84 × 5 = 420. The sum of the scores on the first 4
tests was 87 × 4 = 348 . So the score on the fifth test is the sum of the scores on all 5 tests
minus the sum of the scores on the first 4 tests. Then the score on the fifth test is 420 − 348 =

25 . A
Use the calculator. If cos x = 0.34, then x = arccos 0.34 ≈ 70.123°. Then

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