SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
These   can be  solved  independently.  Now x   will    always  equal   x,  so  only    the second  equation    is
used to define the points that satisfy the original equation. Solving for y, you have

This    is  the solution    to  the original    equation,   and it  is  the answer  to  the problem.

28 . B
When x is subtracted from each of the numbers 8, 16, and 40, the resulting three numbers
are 8 − x, 16 − x, and 40 − x. In a geometric sequence a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , ..., an,...for all integers m ≥ 1,
, where r is a constant. Here, 8 − x, 16 − x, and 40 − x form a geometric progression.
So . Solve this equation for x. Cross multiplying, you have (16 − x)(16 − x) = (8 −
x)(40 − x). Multiplying out each side and solving for x, you have

You can check   that    this    is  correct.    The original    numbers were    8,  16, and 40. When    x   =   4   is
subtracted from each of these numbers, the resulting numbers are 8 − 4, 16 − 4, and 40 − 4,
which are the numbers 4, 12, and 36. Then and .

You have    the same    ratio,  so  you know    that    the value   of  x   is  4   and (B) is  correct.

29 . C
Substitute −1 for x and 1 for x into f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c and then set the resulting expressions
equal to the values of the function f at x = −1 and x = 1.

When    x   =   −1, f(x)    =   f(−1)   =   ax^2    +   bx  +   c   =   a((−1)^2 )  +   b(−1)   +   c   =   a   −   b   +   c.  You know    that    f(−1)   =
−18, so a − b + c = −18.

When    x   =   1,  f(x)    =   f(1)    =   ax^2    +   bx +    c   =   a(1^2 ) +   b(1)    +   c   =   a + b   +   c.  You know    that    f(1)    =   10, so  a   +
b + c = 10.
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