SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Using   the defining    equation     with   n   =   3,  you have

Thus,   .

Use the calculator:  .  Thus,   x 4     ≈   5.29.

39 . D
The area of any triangle is . Call the base of triangle ABC side AC and say that the
height drawn from point B to base AC meets base AC at point D.

Base    AC  of  triangle    ABC is  a   radius  of  the circle. The area    of  the semicircle  is  8π. So  if  the
radius of the semicircle is r (in particular, r = AC = BC), then , πr^2 = 16π, r^2 = 16 ,
and r = 4. So AC = 4 and BC = 4.

You can find    the height  BD  of  the triangle    in  terms   of  θ   by  saying  that     ,  so  BD  =
BC sin θ = 4 sin θ. Thus the base AC is 4, and the height BD is 4 sin θ. The area of the triangle is

40 . B

When    two or  more    events  are independent,    the probability that    all the events  occur   is  equal
to the product of the probabilities that each event occurs. The decimal equivalent of 70% is
0.7. In this question, the probability that a person selected at random from each room is a
senior at university X is 0.7. So the probability that each of the 3 people selected is a senior at
university X is (0.7)(0.7)(0.7) = 0.343.

41 . E

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