SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Begin   to  solve   the equation    4.18x   =   36.54   by  taking  the natural logarithm   of  both    sides.  Use
the calculator when it is time to find the approximate value of x.

42 . A

Before  solving the question,   be  sure    you understand  the difference  between the meanings    of
f and f(x). The letter f can refer to a function. Other letters, like g, u, and t can also refer to
functions. Then f(x), which is read “f of x,” means the value of the function f at x.

The idea    in  the solution    to  this    question    is  that    the function    of  the inverse function    of  x is    x.  If
f−1 is the inverse function of the function f, then f(f−1(x)) = x. Here you are working with the
sine function and the inverse sine function. If you say that f(x) = sin x, then f−1(x) = arcsin x. So
sin (arcsin x) = x. If , then since sin (arcsin x) = x, ; (A) is correct.

Let’s   briefly review  the definition  of  the inverse sine    function.   The definition  of  the inverse
sine function, which is called arcsin x, is this. If −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, then arcsin x is that value y such
that and sin y = x. In order for g to be a function, to each x of the domain of g,
g must specify exactly one value. That is, for each specified x, g(x) is not ambiguous. Now
when x increases from to , sin x increases from −1 to 1, so the inverse sine function
arcsin x assigns exactly one value y such that to each x such that −1 ≤ x ≤ 1.

43 . C
In this question, you want the constant d, where if n is an integer and n ≥ 1, d = an + 1 − an.

In  an  arithmetic  sequence,   if  a 1     is  the first   term    and an  is  the nth term,   then    the sum Sn  of  the
first n terms can be found by using the formula . Using the formula with
a 25 = 104, S 25 = 1,400, and n = 25, you can find a 1 :

and a 1     =   8.
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