SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
When    a   function    q(x)    is  translated  up  w   units,  where   w   >   0,  the resulting   function,   say t(x),
can be described by t(x) = q(x) + w.

Here,   when    g(x)    =   x^3     +    1  is  translated  to  the right   4   units,  the resulting   function,   say v(x),   can
be described by v(x) = g(x − 4) = (x − 4)^3 + 1. When the function v(x) is translated 2 units up,
the resulting function, which the question stem says is h(x), can be described by h(x) = v(x) + 2
= [(x − 4)^3 + 1] + 2 = (x − 4)^3 + 3.

Thus,   h(x)    =   (x  −   4)^3    +    3.

Then    h(3.7)  =   (3.7    −   4)^3    +   3   =   (−0.3)^3    +   3   =   −0.027  +   3   =   2.973.

We  can draw    graphs  of  both    g(x)    and h(x).

47 . C

The number  of  five-letter codes   possible    is  the number  of  ways    of  permuting   5   different
objects from 12 different objects. Say that nPk is the number of ways to permute k different
objects from n different objects, where n is a positive integer and k is an integer such that 0 ≤
k ≤ n. Then . In this question, n = 12 and k = 5. The number of possible five-
letter codes is .
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