SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
So   equals a   number  multiplied  by  its square  root.   We  know    that    9   multiplied  by  its
square root, 3, equals 27. So x = 9.

12 . B

If  two lines   do  not intersect   on  the coordinate  plane,  then    they    are parallel.   Parallel    lines
have the same slope, so the slope of the line is −3. Since the line passes through the point
(9,8), we can plug those x and y coordinate values into the slope-intercept formula:

So  the equation    of  the line    is  y   =   −3x +   35.

13 . D
The value x here is the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle. Remember that the
cosine of an angle of a right triangle equals the ratio of the angle’s adjacent side to the
hypotenuse. Use this ratio to make an equation and then solve it for the variable. Use your
calculator to calculate cos 67°.

14 . D

The minimum value   of  the absolute    value   expression  is  0    since  it  cannot
have a negative value.

So  6   is  the minimum value   of  the function.

15 . A

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