SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
To  find    the mean    number  for the six-day period, begin   by  figuring    the total   number  of  tickets

52 × 7 = 364

Since   46  tickets were    sold    on  the last    day,    318 tickets were    sold    before  that    day:

364 − 46 = 318

To  find    the mean    for the six-day period, divide  this    total   by  six:

33 . C

To  solve   this    problem,    you need    the formulas    for the volumes and surface areas   of  spheres.

Surface area    =   4πr^2
Since the surface area of sphere A is 729 times greater than that of sphere B, the radius is
or 27 times greater.

The volume  of  sphere  A,  therefore,  is  27^3    or  19,683  times   greater than    the volume  of  sphere
B. So the ratio of the volumes is 19,683:1.

34 . D
To find the inverse function f−1(x) of write the inverse function as an
equation and solve for y.

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