SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

46 . A

You can find    the mean    by  adding  these   terms   and dividing    the sum by  four,   the number  of
terms in the set.

Now divide  this    sum by  4:

47 . D

You can start   by  counting    the number  of  ways    this    outcome can occur.  There   are

ways    that    exactly two of  four    letters will    arrive  in  two days    or  sooner  (the    first   and second
letters, the first and third, the second and fourth, etc.).

The probability of  a   letter  failing to  arrive  in  two days    or  sooner  is  

So  the probability of  the first   two letters arriving    in  two days    or  sooner, and the other   two
arriving later than that is:

The probability of  any other   pair    of  letters arriving    in  two days    or  sooner  and the other   two
arriving later than that is the same. The probability of any of those outcomes occurring is the
sum of all of them. Since they are the same, the probability of exactly two arriving in two
days or sooner is

48 . B

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