SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The rest is easy. Add 7 to both sides (expressing 7 as an improper fraction will make the addition
easier) and then divide both sides by 5:

The answer is (A).

The test makers have a couple of favorite equation types that you should be prepared to solve.
Solving linear equations is usually pretty straightforward. Generally it’s obvious what to do to isolate
the unknown. But when the unknown is in a denominator or an exponent, it might not be as
obvious how to proceed.


The basic procedure for solving an equation is the same even when the unknown is in a
denominator: Do the same thing to both sides. In this case, you multiply in order to undo division.

If you wanted to solve , you would multiply both sides by x:

Now you have an equation with no denominators, which is easy to solve:

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