SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Answers and Explanations


1 . D

Plug    b   =   −2  into    the first   equation:

a   =   6   −   b^3     =   6   −   (−2)^3  =   6   −   (−8)    =   6   +   8   =   14

2 . B
The sum of three identical quantities is 3 times one of those quantities, so the sum of the
three terms 3z is 3 times 3z:

3 z +   3z  +   3z  =   3(3z)   =   (3^1 )(3z)  =   3z+1

3 . E
Factor the top and the bottom and cancel the factors they have in common:

Multiplying by   ,  you get
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