SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Your    first   impulse might   be  to  cross   multiply,   but doing   so  would   actually    complicate  the
question unnecessarily. Notice that the fractions on both sides have the same numerator,

  1. So the numerator is irrelevant. If the two fractions are equal and they have the same
    numerator, then they must have the same denominator, so just write an equation reflecting
    as much:

7 . A

Express everything  as  powers  of  5:

The left    side    of  the equation    is  the product of  powers  with    the same    base,   so  just    add the

Now the two sides   of  the equation    are powers  with    the same    base,   so  you can just    set the
exponents equal to each other:
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