SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

And here’s another general rule: To solve an inequality in the form
|whatever|> p, where p > 0, just put that “whatever” outside the range –p to p:

|whatever|  >   p   means:  whatever    <   –p  OR  whatever    >   p

For example, becomes

Well, you’ve seen a lot of algebra in this chapter. You’ve seen ten of the test
makers’ favorite algebra situations. You’ve reviewed all the relevant algebra
facts and formulas. And you’ve learned some effective Kaplan test-taking
strategies. Now it’s time to take the Algebra Follow-Up Test to find out how
much you’ve learned.


The Rules   of  Exponents

Combining   Like    Terms

1. (xm)(xn) =   xm+n


3. (xm)n    =   xmn

4. (xn)(yn) =   (xy)n

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