SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Think of this formula as the average of the bases (the two parallel sides) times
the height (the length of the perpendicular altitude).

In the trapezoid ABCD above, you can use side for the height. The average

of the bases is so the area is 8 × 5, or 40.

Parallelograms: A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with two pairs of
parallel sides. Opposite sides are equal. Opposite angles are equal.
Consecutive angles add up to 180 ̊.

Area    of  Parallelogram   =   base    ×   height

In parallelogram KLMN above, 4 is the height when or is used as the
base. Base × height = 6 × 4 = 24.

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