SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
On  Level   2   you can leave   several questions   unanswered, or  even    get
them wrong, and still get an 800.

You don’t need as many right answers to achieve a particular score on Level 2,
so don’t assume that you’ll get a higher score by taking Level 1. If you’ve had a
year of trigonometry and/or precalculus, you might actually find it easier to
reach a particular score goal by taking Level 2.


If  you have    the background  to  take    Level   2,  don’t   jump    to  the
conclusion that you’ll get a higher score by taking Level 1 instead.


The final factor to consider is reputation. Admissions people know how much
more math you have to know to get a good score on Level 2 than on Level 1.
Your purpose is to demonstrate how much you’ve learned in high school. If
you’ve learned enough math to take Level 2, then show it off!

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