SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Volume  of  a   Cube    =   s^3

Volume  of  a   Cylinder    =   πr^2 h

Volume of a rectangular solid: A rectangular solid is a uniform solid whose
base is a rectangle and whose height is perpendicular to its base. Given the
length ℓ, width w, and height h, the area of the base is ℓw, and so the volume
formula is this:

Volume  of  a   Rectangular Solid   = ℓwh

The volume of a 4-by-5-by-6 box is

4 × 5 × 6 = 120

Volume of a cube: A cube is a rectangular solid with length, width, and height
all equal. If s is the length of an edge of a cube, the volume formula is

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