SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The base    is  3   and the height  is  2,  so  the area    is  

3 . A
The y-intercept of the line y = 8x – 24 is –24. Find the x-intercept by
plugging in y = 0:

The y-intercept of  the line    y   =   mx  +   12  is  +12.    To  intersect   in  the fourth
quadrant—which is the lower right quadrant—this second line has to
have a negative slope. Not just any negative slope, but one negative
enough to get it down across the x-axis before it hits the other line. In
other words, the x-intercept of this second line has to be somewhere
between the origin and the point (3, 0).
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