SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
f(x)    =   x^2

When you apply the function to some particular number, such as −5, you write
it this way:


And to find the value of f(−5), you plug x = −5 into the definition:


The most straightforward functions questions you’ll encounter on the Math 1
test are questions like Example 1 that ask you simply to apply a function to
some number or expression.


A   function    is  a   set of  ordered pairs   (x, y)  such    that    for each    value   of  x
there is one and only one value of y.

The set of  all allowable   x   values  is  called  the domain. Note    that,
according to the SAT subject test directions, the domain of any
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