SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Example 5

To translate successfully, you must first be sure you understand the original.
It’s usually a good idea to read a word problem question stem twice. The
charge for the first fifth of a mile is 2 dollars. You want your answer in cents, so

charge  =   200 +   ·   ·   ·

No matter how far you go, your fare starts with 200 cents. On top of that, you
pay 20 cents for each additional fifth of a mile:

charge  =   200 +   20(#    of  additional  fifth-miles)

The trickiest part of this translation is figuring out how to express the number
of additional fifth-miles in terms of x.

The charge  for a   taxi    ride    in  a   certain city    is  2   dollars for the first   one-
fifth of a mile and 20 cents for each additional one-fifth of a mile.
Which of the following expressions represents the charge, in cents, for
a taxi ride of exactly x miles, where x is a positive integer?


(A) 2 x +   80
(B) 3 x
(C) 100 x + 180
(D) 200 x + 80
(E) 300 x
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