SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
In  a   word    problem where   order   matters,    you will    probably    need    to  use
permutations. If order does not matter, use combinations.

Example 9

This question asks about the number of groups that can be formed, so it’s a
combinations question. The number of combinations of 11 women taken 3 at
a time is

The number of combinations of 7 men taken 2 at a time is

A   committee   of  3   women   and 2   men is  to  be  formed  from    a   pool    of  11
women and 7 men. How many different committees can be formed?


(A) 3,465

(B) 6,930

(C) 10,395

(D) 20,790

(E) 41,580

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