SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

create in your imagination, but a real-life memory of a place or situation you
know is usually better. Make it as detailed as possible, and notice as much as
you can.


Visualize   a   beautiful   beach,  with    white   sand,   blue    skies,  sparkling
water, a warm sun, and seagulls. See yourself walking on the beach,
carrying a small plastic pail. Stop at a good spot and put your worries
and whatever may be bugging you into the pail. Drop it at the water’s
edge and watch it drift out to sea. When the pail is out of sight, walk

Stay focused on the images as you sink farther back into your chair. Breathe
easily and naturally. You might have the sensations of any stress or tension
draining from your muscles and flowing downward, out your feet and away
from you.

Take a moment to check how you’re feeling. Notice how comfortable you’ve
become. Imagine how much easier it would be if you could take the test
feeling this relaxed and in this state of ease. You’ve coupled the images of
your special place with sensations of comfort and relaxation. You’ve also
found a way to become relaxed simply by visualizing your own safe, special

Now, close your eyes and start remembering a real-life situation in which you
did well on a test. If you can’t come up with one, remember a situation in

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