SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Don’t   forget  that    your    school  probably    has counseling  available.  If  you
can’t conquer test stress on your own, make an appointment at the
counseling center. That’s what counselors are there for.

Any big test is a bit like a race. Thinking clearly at the end is just as important
as having a quick mind early on. If you can’t sustain your energy level in the
last sections of the exam, there’s too good a chance you could blow it. You
need a fit body that can weather the demands any big exam puts on you.
Along with a good diet and adequate sleep, exercise is an important part of
keeping yourself in fighting shape and thinking clearly for the long haul.

There’s another thing that happens when students don’t make exercise an
integral part of their test preparation. Like any organism in nature, you
operate best if all your “energy systems” are in balance. Studying uses a lot of
energy, but it’s all mental. When you take a study break, do something active
instead of raiding the fridge or vegging out in front of the TV. Take a 5- to 10-
minute activity break for every 50 or 60 minutes that you study. The physical
exertion gets your body into the act, which helps to keep your mind and body
in sync. Then, when you finish studying for the night and hit the sack, you
won’t lie there, tense and unable to sleep because your head is overtired and
your body wants to pump iron or run a marathon.


When    you’re  in  the middle  of  studying    and hit a   wall,   take    a   short,
brisk walk. Breathe deeply and swing your arms as you walk. Clear
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