SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Do  eat:

Don’t   eat:

Take a Deep Breath

Conscious attention to breathing is an excellent way of managing test stress
(or any stress, for that matter). The majority of people who get into trouble
during tests take shallow breaths. They breathe using only their upper chests
and shoulder muscles and may even hold their breath for long periods of
time. Conversely, the test taker who by accident or design keeps breathing
normally and rhythmically is likely to be more relaxed and in better control
during the entire test experience.


Fruits  and vegetables  (raw    is  best,   or  just    lightly steamed or
Low-fat protein such as fish, skinless poultry, beans, and legumes
(like lentils)
Whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and pastas
(no bleached flour)

Refined sugar;  sweet,  high-fat    snacks  (Simple carbohydrates   like
sugar make stress worse, and fatty foods lower your immunity.)
Salty foods (They can deplete potassium, which you need for
nerve functions.)
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