SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


On  the day of  the test,   wear    loose   layers. That    way,    you’ll  be  prepared
no matter what the temperature of the room is. (An uncomfortable
temperature will just distract you from the job at hand.) And, if you
have an item of clothing that you tend to feel “lucky” or confident in—
a shirt, a pair of jeans, whatever—wear it. A little totem couldn’t hurt.


The biggest stress monster will be the test itself. Fear not; there are methods
of quelling your stress during the test.

the alphabet    is  assigned    to  and try to  sit there   (by yourself)   for a   while.
Better yet, bring some practice material and do at least a section or two,
if not an entire practice test, in that room. In this situation, familiarity
doesn’t breed contempt; it generates comfort and confidence.
Forego any practice on the day before the test. It’s in your best interest to
marshal your physical and psychological resources for 24 hours or so.
Even racehorses are kept in the paddock and treated like royalty the day
before a race. Keep the upcoming test out of your consciousness; go to a
movie, take a pleasant hike, or just relax. Don’t eat junk food or tons of
sugar. And—of course—get plenty of rest the night before. Just don’t go
to bed too early. It’s hard to fall asleep earlier than you’re used to, and
you don’t want to lie there thinking about the test.

Keep    moving  forward instead of  getting bogged  down    in  a   difficult
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