SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

45 . D

Sketch  a   diagram:

Now,    where   to  put P   so  that    it’s    twice   as  far from    A   as  from    B.  One
possibility is two-thirds of the way from A to B, that is, at 4:

But that’s  not the only    possibility.    There’s also    the point   that’s  the same
distance to the right of B as B is from A, that is, at 12:

46 . B

You’re  looking for sets    of  three   positive    integers    with    a   product of  32. The
easiest way to do that is just to list them systematically. If the smallest
dimension is 1, then the product of the other two dimensions is 32, so
there are these possibilities that include an edge of 1:

If  the smallest    dimension   is  2,  then    the product of  the other   two
dimensions is 16, so there are these additional possibilities:
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