SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
ax  +   bx  =   (a  +   b)x

ax  –   bx  =   (a  –   b)x

Combining like terms: To combine like terms, keep the variable part
unchanged while adding or subtracting the coefficients:

2 a +   3a  =   (2  +   3)a =   5a

Adding or subtracting polynomials: To add or subtract polynomials,
combine like terms:

Multiplying monomials: To multiply monomials, multiply the coefficients
and the variables separately:

2 x ×   3x  =   (2  ×   3)(x    ×   x)  =   6x^2


(ax)(bx)    =   (ab)x^2
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